Sunday, January 16, 2011

All the things I really need to know I learned in Kindergarten

First of all I know that my title is the title of a copyrighted book so let me first give credit to whoever wrote the book props for this title before I get sued or whatever they can do for stealing things like I raise my glass to you Mr. Author.

But just to update, I have been student teaching in kindergarten for the past two weeks and it has been a lot of fun! The four teachers in the pod that I have been lucky enough to be placed in all get along great and are hilarious when they all get together so I just sit there and listen. They talk about everything from their students to their personal lives and all are filled with laughs. As for actual stories from my class I have several.

Story #1
The story begins on the afternoon of the first Tuesday I was there. All day one of my boy ankle biters was complaining about his throat being sore. Well when I woke him up from nap, he was REALLY cranky and just started crying. Well the next day he was absent because he was sick. Thursday he came back and was feeling fine. He went to the restroom while the rest of us were at the carpet being taught something, probably a letter of the alphabet or how to count by tens. This is some pretty heavy stuff we're learning! But just a side-note, the bathrooms are all in the classroom with us in the back corner. Well anyways, we are at the carpet, and this precious little boy sticks his head out of the bathroom door and yells, "Ms. Page (my teacher), I had diarrhea!!!" What do you say to that?!?! My teacher just replied with an "Okay, thank you."

Story #2
This past Friday I was giving my kids their spelling test that had difficult words like if, pin, pan, fit, and stuff like that, mostly focusing on the letters F and P (the teachers had a running joke about that). Well one of my boys, not the same as the diarrhea kid, goes to first grade for math because he is pretty advanced. Well, I gave the test while he was gone and so I had to give him his by himself. He and I were at the table in the back and I was giving him his next word, if. He sounded out the two letters and then looked at me and said "Oh, please". Usually we don't laugh at our children or things they do in front of them, but I couldn't help it that time. I lost it right there in front of him.

Throughout these two weeks I have decided that being the host of the t.v. show Kids Say the Darnest Things would be the best job in the world. Everything they say or do, they do it with such pride, for example the diarrhea kid. He was so proud of telling everybody about his business in the bathroom. I don't know how or why, but it kind of made me think about how we as Christians tell people about Jesus, or how we don't share Him for that matter. If we could just be as proud of our Lord and Savior as kindergarteners are about everything they do, such as their paintings or other things previously mentioned, the Word would spread so much more and be much more attractive to others. This is something I really need to work on. Instead of keeping Him bottled up inside, we should proudly profess Him and what He has done in our lives.

1 comment:

Daniel W said...

Not sure the comparison of Jesus to diarrhea is the best thing to say here...